Thursday 7 October 2010

Coughs and Cage and Waterproof trousers...

 How quickly time is passing! Of course, I expect the time that I am studying to fly by. It’s a natural by-product of working under pressure. But the thing that has really hit me this week, was Oj celebrating his 9th birthday. Fancy having a son who is 9 years old?! It’s quite bizarre. To me, he is my little bean, and a joy to behold. But I mustn’t ever forget that he is really growing up now, and finding his own place in the world. It’s been a crazy adventure, this ‘mother’ business. I can’t compare it to anything else. and of course, as with any relationship encounter, it is unique and totally normal at once. Every mother knows certain truths, joys and pains, yet each mother knows her own personal story that fits within those ‘norms’. I couldn’t begin to talk about it here; but what an adventure.

Ah yes, the coughs. Poor kids. Oj started it on Sunday - had a headache before his party (laser hub rocks by the way!). Poor little man has been off school all week; temperatures, coughs and croaks. And now Nelly is coughing well too. Mwah.

What of Cage? This evening, I went to a performance at the Louise Blouin Foundation. It was quite an experience. To be honest, I thought it was going to be pretentious. It was an evening of American experimentalism intertwined with new and not so new works by British composers (2 current students from the Academy). I think the thing that made it un-pretentious was the quality of the performers. each note played with depth and an appropriate regard for style. My favourite musical sound was where the percussionist played with brushes on the strings of the piano. the texture was spine tingling. (HA! Look who’s pretentious now?!) Anyway, it was class.

I met an interesting chap, who certainly looked like he should be attending a champagne reception at a kooky art gallery muso performance in London. Well, he was a visual artist, who went because John Cage was a fan of his, so he came along to support the Cage performance. How funky is that? ...It’s so easy to forget that these great pillars of contemporary society also have things that they like to listen to, look at, places they like to go. It’s so easy to imagine your favourite artist, of any sort, simply creating their art, and not having a 3 dimensional life. Like Stevie Wonder guesting with Take 6, because they are his favourite group!

Of my music? Well, it’s trucking along. Projects kick off next week, and I’m doing my best to write a little every day, and spend some time on logic, until it’s not scary anymore. Like everything I seem to get up to; it’s scary at first, but if you keep doing it, it can just become something you do.
In a very short space of time, some very big things have changed in my life. A few times in these last weeks, I thought I might fall over, or be sick in my mouth. But I didn’t yet, so maybe I won’t.

Did I forget to mention the waterproof trousers?...maybe it’s just aswell. 

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